About PortfolioBuilder
PortfolioBuilder is a cloud based software service that delivers an online evidence based portfolio. It is used by the Royal College of Psychiatrists' Portfolio Online and the Faculty of Occupational Medicine's FOM Portfolio
Users can be assigned to a specific programme of work, that allow them to construct a portfolio of a particular type.
A programme of work can contain:
Assessment and Appraisal Tools
These can be completed by an individual appraiser e.g Work Place Based Activities (WPBA); a group of nominated colleagues e.g 360° Multi-source Feedback (MSF), or as part of a review panel e.g Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP)
Activity Templates
In addition to entering free text documents, and uploading files it is possible to specify proforma templates for specific kinds of activty e.g Case Logs, Structured Reflection etc
- Competency Frameworks
Activities can be mapped to competencies in a specific framework e.g. Specialty Curricula or Good Medical Practice directly or through the items in the personal development plan.
Personal Development Plan
Allows users to create a rolling a list of achievable learning goals, that can be linked to framework competencies, designed to drive learning and competence progression
Usage Stats
Registered Users
Portfolios Created
Forms Submitted
Activities Logged
Competency Mappings